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about my hardships as a writer (Updated on o6/04/2024)
a disagreement with the toxic political elites has become a lifelong battle. However, I just can't walk away from it. We shouldn't allow them to insult billions of Asians in Australasia. We simply can't allow them to insult humanity. Australia is in Australasia, close to Asia, it should have allowed Asians to become prominent leaders well before the United states or United kingdom. Sadly, still they are not doing the right things, even after the US and the UK appointed people of Asian descent to become Vice President and Prime Minister. Please turn the caption on, to read the subtitles, It will help you to understand my speech clearly.
Australians have been governed by inferiors.
Millions of Australians can't pay their electricity bills and thousands of Australians are homeless, because genuine Australians have refused to participate in politics and failed to support people like me. Now they are governed by inferiors.  The Government of Canada has passed a new law to help make homes more affordable for people living in Canada. This policy is especially to be aimed at getting young Canadians on the property ladder. In the United Kingdom overseas buyers have been subject to an additional stamp duty land tax (SDLT) surcharge on purchases of residential property. But the Australian politicians are doing noting to deter foreigners buying property in Australia. The self-centered Australian politicians have been fooling the people; their lies have become truth and part of Australian culture. Young Australians can't afford to buy a property on their own without their parents' or grandparents' help, because The politicians are deliberately pushing the house prices up to gain profits from their real estate portfolio. They don't even help white Australians, let alone helping minority races.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is not being honest with the people.
While countries like China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, etc. are progressing. However, Indigenous communities in Australia have remained stagnant for centuries. Despite receiving significant amounts of financial support, they are not experiencing the same advancements witnessed in Asian countries with fewer resources. It is evident that the allocated funds are not reaching the right people. This raises serious concerns. It seems these funds appear to be utilised to keep Indigenous people in ignorance to exploit their resources.
The actions of the Australian political elites towards people of colour are driven by ignorance, which demonstrates a lack of progressiveness.
The Australian Constitution contains provisions that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. explicitly discriminated against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people during its drafting, evident in provisions that denied them recognition as part of Australia's population. Section 25 allows for the exclusion of voters based on race, while Section 51(xxvi) grants the power to regulate the affairs of the firstpeople. Instead of amending the Constitution, the politicians made superficial changes through the Commonwealth Electoral Act (1962) to grant coloured individuals the right to enrol and vote.
I proposed a viable solution for farmers, refugees, and homeless people.
We could potentially save billions of dollars and ensure shelter for every person currently without a home. Instead of confining refugees to detention centers, I have urged governments to utilise their skills and labor in the agricultural sector during the processing of their cases. This way, we can provide them with meaningful employment and contribute to the workforce in an industry that is currently in need of workers. It is disheartening to witness politicians choosing to lock up refugees and squander taxpayers' money, when there is a more sensible and productive path forward.
A systematic campaign of violence and destruction was carried out by the British authorities.
targeting the Aboriginal people and their rich cultural heritage.Professor Tom Lawson has extensively documented the genocidal policies and practices employed by the British, particularly during the period of martial law in Tasmania. His research compellingly presents evidence of the deliberate ethnic cleansing of Aboriginal Tasmanians. Professor Lawson further reveals that the colonisers openly referred to their invasion as aiming for "extermination and extirpation," highlighting the extent of their brutal intentions (Lawson 2014).
whistleblowers have exposed a disturbing practice in Afghan where killing was a sport.
Reports from insiders and courageous whistleblowers have exposed a disturbing practice in Afghan where killing was a sport. These executions were not only celebrated but also normalized, becoming a harrowing rite of passage for certain special forces. Shockingly, unarmed teenagers were brutally murdered, their throats slit, and their bodies callously disposed of in rivers. Junior soldiers were even encouraged to execute prisoners and defenseless civilians, many of whom were unarmed and had their hands bound. At the heart of this problem lies toxic leadership fueled by hatred towards individuals of different races.
Australia can not afford to go to war while its outback is in a mess.
after the Australian parliament approved the bill for war, I penned an article titled "Australia Cannot Neglect Its Troubled Backyard While Heading to War." In my efforts to raise awareness, I published photographs depicting the dire conditions faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, showcasing their runny noses, unkempt hair, and lack of proper footwear. Despite my persistent writings, progress has proven challenging due to the government's and media's tight control, making it difficult to effectively shed light on this pressing issue.
The devastating bushfires in Australia.
n January 2019, the government dismissed the proposal for significant expansion of air-tanker capabilities to combat the fires, as reported by The Age Newspaper. However, in March 2019, The Guardian Australia exposed that the federal government allocated an additional $570 million to bolster security agencies' budgets. These actions demonstrate a questionable prioritisation by the government, with a lack of wise response to address the severity of the bushfire crises. the focus appears to have been primarily on advancing the agendas of security agencies, rather than effectively combating such disasters.
corruption in Australia HAS come to light.
as reported by The Guardian, Mark Perich and Louise Waterhouse, who hold significant wealth in the region, were observed meeting with Paul Fletcher and Josh Frydenberg. Astonishingly, after a mere two minutes of conversation, the consensus seemed to be that the airport project was exceptional. Consequently, the infrastructure department proceeded to acquire land from the Perich family, who are billionaire dairy farmers and property developers, at an exorbitantly inflated price of 30 million, which was ten times its actual value. These actions raise concerns about potential corruption and questionable practices.
As a writer, I have faced numerous hardships and observed certain aspects that have challenged my perception of true democracy in Western countries, especially in Australia.
It begs the question: Can those who have historically invaded and committed genocide in other lands truly be trusted to act with integrity? If they genuinely value and respect all races, why do we witness the continued marginalisation and struggles of Aboriginal People in Australia? Additionally, if Australia is sincerely committed to addressing the hardships faced by Aboriginal people and refugees, why did they revoke my citizenship and subject me to financial ruin when I attempted to raise awareness of these issues? These experiences have left me questioning the sincerity and effectiveness of Australia's approach to addressing the challenges faced by marginalised communities.